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Environment setup

Let's first start by cloning the repository, optionally forking it first

git clone
cd airbyte

Next, you will want to create a new connector.

Initialize connector project

git clone
cd airbyte

# Make a directory for a new connector and navigate to it
mkdir airbyte-integrations/connectors/source-exchange-rates-tutorial
cd airbyte-integrations/connectors/source-exchange-rates-tutorial

# Initialize a project, follow Poetry prompts, and then add airbyte-cdk as a dependency.
poetry init
poetry add airbyte-cdk

For this walkthrough, we'll refer to our source as exchange-rates-tutorial.

Add Connector Metadata file

Each Airbyte connector needs to have a valid metadata.yaml file in the root of the connector directory. Here is metadata.yaml format documentation.

Implement connector entrypoint scripts

Airbyte connectors are expected to be able to run spec, check, discover, and read commands. You can use file in Airbyte connectors as an example of how to implement them.

Running operations

poetry run source-survey-monkey-demo check --config secrets/config.json

It should return a failed connection status

"connectionStatus": {
"status": "FAILED",
"message": "Config validation error: 'TODO' is a required property"

The discover operation should also fail as expected

poetry run source-survey-monkey-demo discover --config secrets/config.json

It should fail because TODO' is a required property

The read operation should also fail as expected

poetry run source-survey-monkey-demo read --config secrets/config.json --catalog integration_tests/configured_catalog.json

It should fail because TODO' is a required property

We're ready to start development. In the next section, we'll read a page of records from the surveys endpoint.